I was born and raised in Ludhiana, India, and was a shy, weird, and happy kid who was never more than average at school. But I knew I wanted more. I knew there was more out there in the big, wide world. I used to watch and learn from the top achievers at school, I wanted to understand what made them who they were.
But school was tough for me. I was constantly bullied for being overweight. For being different and I’ve worked hard over the years to leave that behind and overcome those prejudices. This is why I’m outspoken about change and putting a stop to bullying and body shaming.
“Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity,
and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.”
– Tony Robbins
Leaving school behind me I went on to study computer science and business management. Working hard to become a successful project manager. It allowed me to work and learn from diverse groups of people, and in 2008 it even provided me with the opportunity to move to the USA.
Moving away from my family to another country heading into a recession was extremely hard. Companies were making thousands of workers redundant, and they were filing for bankruptcy. The country, in fact, most of the world, sank deeper and deeper into recession.
I went from earning a good, regular salary to an inconsistent and often erratic income. For eight years I followed work moving from city to city implementing projects for various companies. My hard work and dedication paid off as I went from earning a few hundred dollars here and there to a healthy 6 figure income.
Then in March 2016, I decided to move and settle in Canada. I had found home. It’s where I met my wife, got married, and became a father. Over the years I’ve overcome and managed many transitions but in 2020 the world was turned upside down. Covid-19 hit and the world went into lock-down.
Businesses and families were forced to stay and work from home. Many aspects of day-to-day life changed. How we meet. How we socialize. And, how we communicate. These changes impacted each and every individual in the world and for me, it meant less time on the road and away from family - which was amazing!
I decided to use my time wisely by upskilling and qualifying myself as a life & career, and empowerment & transitional coach. Meditation and spiritual wellness are key pillars and I’ve found the true meaning of success and fulfilment comes through finding and following your spiritual path.
“Very little is needed to make a happy life;
it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.”
– Marcus Aurelius
I’ve navigated my life & career from India to the USA, and finally to Canada. During the journey, I’ve gained insight and strength through the challenges I faced. I discovered how to transform, excel and succeed in my own life and career and can help coach you through yours.
To your future success,
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