If you are reading this article, chances are you have considered the idea of making a career change to IT. It’s never been a better time! The demand for skilled computer professionals has never been higher- and the opportunities are going to continue growing. Today, three out of four jobs in STEM occupations can be found in IT. So what makes this industry so appealing? Let's explore some of the ways you can transition your career into IT!
I am stuck!.. What should I do with my life? Where am I heading? What am I supposed to do?
There have been many instances when I have asked these questions and others have expressed annoyance while conversing with me. Let me tell you something: You are never stuck. You're probably frustrated because you didn't take the initiative to accomplish anything you desired. People are held back by their fear of failure. So, how do you progress in life if you are stuck?
Do you want to get over this feeling?
Discover how working with a coach will help you excel and success in your life and career
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